16 November, 2024
-Website Updates & Repairs Complete
At long last, this ever growing, comprehensively massive website has been updated and the repairs to our communications systems have been repaired and everything to the best of our knowledge is working perfectly. If anyone detects any issues or problems that they don’t like or anything small that we may have missed, please let us know. We are now going to enter the next phase and bring this live and finally begin to mass market our work to the general public beginning with the Centennial High-Relief and Ultra-High-Relief Silver Maple, followed by the Golden Ultra-High Relief Maple once the dies return from the machine shop. You may commence with ordering the Silver Maple and orders will be processed on a first come, first serve basis. We are also resuming fabrication of the long outstanding back orders and complete them as quickly as possible. Please accept our apology for this long over delay, pulling all of this together has been a massive job. We hope you can understand the reasoning for the delay. Now that this website is finished being repaired and updated, all of our attention can now focus exclusively on fabrication and shipping. YAY! FINALLY!!!! 5+ years and 18000+ hours to get here!
11 November, 2024
-Formal Unveiling of the RCAF Centennial Silver Maple at Edmonton Kingsway Legion
We would like to formally extend our gratitude to the Command Leadership of the Edmonton Kingsway Legion #172 for providing us the honour of a wonderful venue to unveil this long-awaited work.
18 October, 2024
-We set a world record, enough for one day. 🙂
I had the opportunity to reach out and take the world record of the highest relief 1 Troy Oz fine silver coin ever made in history, dedicated to the honour of the Royal Canadian Air Force and I took the shot….and I did it. Our relief comes in at approximately 3.52mm in height. When time permits, I will have to get some sort of official verification, perhaps through Guinness. However, it feels good to surpass the Royal Canadian Mint in the highest relief coin ever struck in Canadian history.
-If all goes right, we will have set a world record in honour of the RCAF with our Centennial Silver Maple. Enough for one day. lol
I have a small number of Silver Arrows still in the back log I have waited on shipping, notwithstanding they were all packed and ready to go, but I felt like something was not right and I intentionally waited until I could look at them again with fresh eyes. When I did, I was not happy and so I am going to remake them again. With each passing day, skills keep improving and I want to make sure that whatever we ship, is as absolutely as best as we can make them. It won’t be much longer. I apologise for this delay. Its a very complicated process and for one man to be doing it all, especially having to build a mint from scratch, has been exhausting.
Okay, well the website is now setup and good to go for taking orders now. Any orders that will be placed will begin being fabricated on Monday. I need to take the weekend off and get some rest. It is my hope that Canadians can get behind this and see the merit of this work and help me generate funds to assist the RCAF Association with their activities.
I did it Canada, I built a mint from scratch, potentially set a world record for a coin and achieved the impossible. I never compromised, never will and I hope and pray, all this work is the financial success I’ve always hoped for. I have gone all in Canada, I have nothing left to give, I had just enough to get here, I just hope its enough. Regardless of whatever level of success takes place, this work and the fact that this was peeled into reality, for me is the success as I proved the impossible. I am grateful to all those who helped and supported me. As of this moment, I hereby close an epic 6 year chapter of hardship and misery and hereby open up a new chapter, authored in hope ink for words of a better tomorrow, days absent of financial stress and immense hardship and maybe, just maybe, I can earn enough to reclaim a normal life where I have a kitchen, bathroom and bedroom, not situated in a shop.
I hereby place the potential success of this in your hands now Canada. I’ve done absolutely everything possible to give this the best chance at success possible. All we need is the customers now. We can handle a large volume of customers and can produce a large volume of coins now. This is what entrepreneurs do, we risk it all. I hope, sincerely hope, this rocket can hoist this dream into orbit where it belongs. Never the less, thank you Canada, the RCAF and the Canadian Forces as a whole for allowing me to do this on your behalf. Its been immensely difficult to complete…but its now done. I need some rest as I am truly, truly spent Canada. I have one pair of boots, two pairs of pants and a quarter tank of gas left. I had just enough to cross this finish line and its nice to know, I had just enough to get here. Thank you Jesus. Truly. Thanks.
Love you Canada.
2 October, 2024
Just when you reached the point where everything was good to go, I ended up breaking the reeded collar for the coin dies, because the depth of the Maple Leaf ended up exceeding the strength of the steel collar. The reeded collar is slightly larger than our regular collar and we will simply reduce the diameter of the dies by making new dies to use in our high strength collar. We are slightly delayed by a day or two from launch. The Arrow coins waiting to ship are waiting because these coins form the transition from the old die to the new one and I want to ensure the dies are at the finest level possible. They have been struck, but a part of me is like “hmmm….just hold off for a moment and think about it…..” Its taken years to get here, a little longer won’t hurt anything if it means delivering the highest quality work I possibly can. I do apologise for the delay, I am moving as fast as humanly possible, I’m one person and I am always trying my best. Here are some photos from the failed Silver Maple collar strikes. I even gold plated the dies to ensure under microscopic examination, all efforts are made to reduce the micro-flaws in the silver.
As you can see, the dies were damaged in the catastrophic failure of the collar and will need to be remade to ensure they are flawless. These collars are not that thick and a number of them have repeatedly failed, our larger collar was made with Canadian steel and is twice as thick and able to endure much more pressure.With sub-millimetre tolerances, its an exacting art form. When I finish these and everything is dialed in and we are in production, then I can return to examining the Arrow dies to ensure they are as flawless as possible. We won’t ship anything but our finest work and because of the fact this world is so tight lipped about absolutely everything, I am pretty much having to learn all of this as I go, research failures and how to solve them and its slow and frustrating because even within Patents, there are misleading statements which can cause problems when one adopts the strategy found within the dissertation. I just ask for patience please. I am funded by personal loans from wonderful people and although this setback has been hard, its better to experience this now, than right in the middle of a major production run. One step at a time, always advancing forward.
22 Sept, 2024
Completed the ecommerce shopping cart systems integration, next up is the integration of the payment processing and then I think the website will be good to go now to accept orders and payments and have all the systems function properly again. Many of the outstanding orders have been processed and are slowly making their way to the assembly of the packaging and making them ready for shipment. I do apologize everyone for how long this has taken. Its hard for one guy to be doing it all, especially closing the loop so to speak. Once the system is finished and operational, then it won’t be as bad, but digging deep to finish restoring our digital and our fabrication systems has been nothing short of a horrendously long, expensive and exhausting struggle to say the least. 5 years with no rest can drag on ones being. Anyway, we are a day or two away from formally launching and concluding this 5 year long ordeal to get this working. Stay tuned, stay inspired. I will post any updates as I make them here.
11 May, 2024
Completed the front end of the website overhaul and have activated the e- transfer module as a payment system. Our hosting company sure did end up making a technical mess for us to clean up and address. We are now selling the Arrow metal coin as our first issue in our new studio and the mintage is limited to 50 coins.
A number of collectors who attempted to place an order through our payment gateway ended up not having their payment go through because of our website linkages to PayPal was disabled and we were unaware of that error. For that we apologise. We have begun to go through each of the orders on the back end to cross check and eliminate many, many, failed order due to this technical glitch. Needless to say, now that we have completed the task of building our new mint, and once every element of the eCommerce systems have been re-established, this will never happen again.
Now let’s get to the backlog of orders. Once we complete this task we will finally begin to complete all outstanding orders for all coins that are overdue. Every customer of ours who have been patient with us, has been outstanding in their patience and we look forward to getting these minted as soon as possible for you. As of this moment, we do not have any ETA on when that process will commence, but we expect in the next few weeks.
If you have any questions, comments or would like to communicate with us, please do not hesitate to contact us through our Contact Us page…which is now functional again. All these errors on the website have been an embarrassment for us, but we are definitely trying as hard as we can to restore production as soon as possible. Rest assured, those collectors have our immense respect and we will do something to make this unreasonably long delay up to them somehow. We value each and every one of you and we aim to make it up to you all.
5 May, 2024
Hi everyone! We are almost ready to resume fabrication and sales. If you would like to read an update as to what we have had to endure in order to keep this dream alive, you can read an update below by clicking the picture below. Please stay inspired, as Beaverworks is almost ready to get moving again.
Building a mint from scratch is arguably one of the single most difficult challenges one can ever embark upon. It’s taken over 5 years and some 18000 hours of time, energy and accumulating over $200 000.00 of personal debt in order to keep ones word of honour to the Royal Canadian Air Force and her members.
We will be launching with the sale of the Arrow Metal coins shortly. We have for the time being, deactivated our entire catalogue for now so we can focus in on producing that as our first rollout of our coins, test our production pipeline and dial in this monster of a system we have built. To those who have been patiently waiting for their order to be processed, have no fear, we will get to them. You are in the cue and rest assured, we will clear that production cue as soon as possible. We have nearly completed the comprehensive website update and the final component is the connection to the ecommerce payment processors and the back end accounting system. We would like to extend our gratitude to the Royal Canadian Air Force Association for their patience and outstanding support and patience with us as we complete these last few steps. Once the website has been completed with its updating phase, we will begin moving onto the next phase which is the precious metal processing to fabricate the coins and process all outstanding orders. We will not abandon anyone who has demonstrated good faith in trusting us. You have our word. Granted, its taken an incredibly long time to arrive here, but we are here and pressing forward. As time goes on and our systems get dialed in, we will only get faster and better.
We have also had some immense challenges with correctly calibrating our website contact form systems. This is a wordpress-based website and we try to also adhere to a high-speed turn around time with our communications as a point of demonstrating respect to all those who contact us. We apologise for the technical issue which was not discovered until many months passed along with some major eCommerce payment processor issues. We are methodically going through each aspect of this website and retooling everything to ensure its all brought back into high performing order. We apologise for any inconvenience this caused. We are addressing it so it never will ever happen again.
Stay tuned, stay inspired. We are launching in the coming few days.

It is also with a heavy heart that we are announcing the passing of our largest and most supportive backer during these last few years. Ms. Vicky Torrie has been nothing short of a dear friend to us, invaluable business partner, tirelessly selling our coins at Legion events and helping to raise funds with our sale to donate to pay down the principle on the mortgage of the Edmonton Kingsway #172 Branch. As time goes on, we shall honour her commitment and carry on her legacy.